Best Way to Control Your Body Weight & Help You Lose Weight

For many years now swimming has been considered as one of the best methods to lose and control your weight. Till now no one was able to tell how many calories exactly the person can lose when swimming.

The approximate figure is 150 calories for every 10 minutes – this, of course, depends on several factors, such as the speed, swimming style, etc.

During swimming you use many muscles, thus your body needs to work harder in order to supply sufficient energy to your muscles, and thus it burns relatively more calories than the majority of other sports.

You will not see the effect of swimming after the first hour; keep in mind that to lose weight through swimming takes relatively longer time. On the other hand once you lost some weight you will not gain it back in a few days, like in case of many other sports.

Swimming alongside with a balanced diet will provide better results. However, if you are eager to keep a diet, make sure you do not eat after getting out of the pool.

The majority of people get exhausted after the swimming session, as the water takes a lot of energy. Not to gain extra weight after a hard workout; you need to avoid food for 2 hours after it.

If you are a beginner you need to take it slowly – swim for 30 seconds, give 30 seconds rest to your body and repeat it over and over again… Once you feel more confident try to swim 500 meters in 60 minutes. This will be a great work out for your body.

You will start losing weight after a few visits to the pool. When your body gets used to the pace, you will train your muscles rather than lose weight. Every time you feel that you are doing something with ease, it means that you need to fasten your pace.

When you become more experienced, you need to look for other alternatives to reach the desired goal. For instance, swim several laps without stop, go for a sprint – increase your speed for a couple of laps more and then slow down for the next lap.

Add some exercises to your training as well. As water is 800 times denser, compared to the air, exercising in the water guarantees better results.

On the other hand you need to keep in mind that many people’s appetite is being simulated after exhausting workout in the pool/sea (especially if the water is rather cold).

If you decide to swim for losing weight you need to know that you should not stop going to the pool once you reached your goal (if you have already lost several kilograms, for instance).

To keep your body in shape, you need to visit the pool regularly, you can decrease the number of visits, for instance, if you attended the pool 4-5 days in a week, you can decrease your visits to 2-3, but do not quit the training.

It will help you keep your body in a good shape, and simultaneously decrease the risk of several serious problems (type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular issues, etc.).